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In Each Other's Bones

Julia and Mark had carefully constructed their life together. They were sailing along on a dream. The vision for themselves, their marriage, and their children had always been in sync. They lived in joy and love.

Then life took a horrifying turn. Mark was diagnosed with a fatal degenerative neurological disease called multiple system atrophy. There was no hope for a cure. At age forty-eight, riding the waves of emotional whiplash with each new symptom, Julia felt too young to deal with her husband’s death. They would endure ten years of daily discussions about disease, doctors, medicines, medical equipment, goodbyes, and dying.

Drawing upon therapy, painting, sacred rituals, and writing, she found strength to remain at peace and not fall to pieces. This book is Julia’s journey from caregiver and wife to finding her own separate self.


In Each Other's Bones

Julia and Mark had carefully constructed their life together. They were sailing along on a dream. The vision for themselves, their marriage, and their children had always been in sync. They lived in joy and love.

Then life took a horrifying turn. Mark was diagnosed with a fatal degenerative neurological disease called multiple system atrophy. There was no hope for a cure. At age forty-eight, riding the waves of emotional whiplash with each new symptom, Julia felt too young to deal with her husband’s death. They would endure ten years of daily discussions about disease, doctors, medicines, medical equipment, goodbyes, and dying.

Drawing upon therapy, painting, sacred rituals, and writing, she found strength to remain at peace and not fall to pieces. This book is Julia’s journey from caregiver and wife to finding her own separate self.

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